Cervical Mucus

We recommend that you use this method, in conjunction with another method.
Being aware of the changes in your cervical mucus throughout your cycle, will help to provide yet another indicator of your most fertile time.
- Cervical Mucus changes are often monitored and recorded daily on BBT charts.
- Like BBT, varies a bit from woman to woman.
- Is affected by medications, infections, illness, obesity and breastfeeding.
- You may examine your mucus by looking at a dayliner or toilet paper after wiping or by inserting a clean finger into your vagina.
- Dry - Most women have little to no cervical mucus, just after their period.
- Sticky, rubbery, crumbly, yellow or white - are characteristics of cervical mucus in the early part of a woman's cycle. It is a thick mucus that will break apart easily.
- Creamy, lotiony, yellow or white - typifies cervial mucus just prior to ovulation. It should also be abundant and more stretcy than before.
- Eggwhite, slippery, stretchy, clear or opaque - occurs at ovulation and is the most fertile type of mucus. It should also be more abundant and stretchy than in previous stages. This consistency will help the sperm travel to the egg.
- After ovulation is is common to have dry, sticky, creamy or a little egg white mucus again, right before mensturation begins.