Baby Shower Games

Most games can be played either individually or in teams. They can also be adpated to fit into a theme based party. Races require a stopwatch or a watch where seconds may be counted. Remember to have some special party favors on hand to reward the game winners.
If a number of your guests do not know each other, we recommend name tags, our Ice Breaker Game (#5) and playing a number of the games in a team format.
After viewing our ideas below, visit the Baby Shower Themes Page for baby shower theme related party games.
Baby Shower Games
- Don't Drop The Baby Egg Race - Hard boil some eggs and decorate as babies. Like a traditional egg race, have contestants run from point A to point B while balancing an egg in a spoon. Spoon can be hand held or held in mouth. The fastest person or team wins.
- Baby Volley - Get a beach ball and dress it as a baby. Whether individually or in teams of two, contestants must race from point A to point B while keeping the beach ball in the air. If playing in pairs, double hits in a row by the same person are not allowed. If the ball drops to the floor or a double hit occurs you may choose to disqualify the player(s) or they must run to the start and begin again (while still clocking them). The fastest person or team wins.
Beach Balls - Picture Match - If your guests know each other, then ask them all to bring a baby picture. If they don't ask them to bring both a baby picture and a current picture. Tape all of the baby pictures to a piece of oak tag poster board. Number them from 1 to x. If you also have adult pictures, tape them to a separate poster board and put their names underneath. Attach the posters to a wall. Ask the guests to match the baby pictures to the adults. The person with the most correct answers, wins.
- Diaper Pin Count - Get a bunch of diaper pins (pink if you know the baby is a girl, blue if you know it is a boy, or green or yellow), put it in a big jar, and have everyone guess how many pins are in the jar. The person with the closest answer wins.
Baby Shower Diaper Pins, Diaper Pins
- Introductions as Singles Ads Ice Breaker - If a number of your guests do not know each other, this is a fun way to break the ice. Have each person write a short description of themselves, including their name, in the form of a singles ad. At that point each person can either keep their ad or pass it to someone else, your choice. Then go around the room, and have each person read the ad their holding. If you chose to have everyone pass their ad (so that they're not reading their own), have the person identify themselves, after the ad is read.
Baby Shower Name Tags - Mad Libs - A tried and true favorite. Mad Libs forms a story by asking someone to supply nouns, verbs, etc. and then using them arbitrarily within a preformed story. Buy some Mad Libs or create your own. You can make it baby oriented or about the mom-to-be.
Baby Shower Mad Libs - Baby Toss - Get some beanie bag babies, and a baby decoration small enough to make hitting it challenging, but that won't be knocked over too easily. For example, an upside down shower umbrella, a buggy decoration, etc. Have the guests stand at a particular place and toss the beanie babies into the decoration. The person who guests the most beanie babies into the decoration, wins.
Ty Mini Boos - Story Time - This is another old tried and true game. This is a fun team game. Have each person write a few sentences within a story. Fold the paper so that each successive person who writes, can only see the last sentence that the person before them wrote. When done, have one member of the team read the story back. The funniest story, (you might need a panel of judges for this) wins.
- Baby Treasure Scavenger Hunt - This is another good team activity. Create a number of clues that will lead to locations within your party space. In order to keep the teams from running into each other, they will receive different clues (as opposed to traditional scavenger hunts). Hide a small baby item, like a pacifier, at each location. Set a time limit. After each team solves the clue they were given, they are given another clue. The team that solves the most clues (collects the most treasure pieces), within the time limit, wins.
Small Baby Items - Burp The Baby - Have contestants run from point A to point B while balancing a water balloon on their head. The fastest person or team wins.
Baby Shower Balloons - Baby Pinata - Buy a baby or theme oriented pinata. Before the guests arrive, stuff the pinata with favors, or sweets (enough for everyone) or confetti and hang it from the ceiling. Making sure everyone else keeps at a safe distance, have each guest come up for a turn. If they are over 3, blindfold them. Spin the contestant around and hand them the pinata buster stick. Allow each person to try hit the pinata a couple of times before moving on to the next person. Although, everyone partakes in the goodies inside of the pinata once it is busted open, the person who breaks it wins.
Baby Shower Pinatas - Baby Want Ads - Have each guest write up a want ad for the perfect baby. At that point each person can either keep their ad, pass it to someone else, or hand it to the mom-to-be, your choice. Then go around the room and have each guest read the ad they're holding, or if the mom has them, have her read them all. The cleaverest ad (again, may need a panel of judges), wins.
- Baby Face Charades - Get a stack of index cards. Write one emotion or baby need on each. For example, happy, sad, gassy, going potty, and hungry. Have at least one or two cards per contestent. Have each person come up, pick a card, and by their face alone, express the item on the card. Everyone else playing, guesses what the emotion or need is. The person who guesses the most right first, after going through all the cards, wins. Or, play an emoji game.
Baby Emotions Flash Cards, Baby Shower Emoji Games
- Celebrity Picture Match - Similar to our Picture Match game, but with celebrities. This requires some pictures off of the internet. Both as babies and adults. The most fun is to mix up the type of celebrities. Hollywood stars, politicians, musicians, scientists, athletes, etc. Tape all of the baby pictures to a piece of oak tag poster board. Number them from 1 to x. Tape all of the adult pictures to a separate poster board and put the names underneath. Attach the posters to a wall. Ask the guests to match the baby pictures to the adults. The person with the most correct answers, wins.
Celebrity Baby Shower Games
- Baby Who Am I - Have each person come up to describe a celebrity baby, real or fictional by giving only riddle hints. For example, I am a 4 year old boy whose dad is a musician and mom is a movie star. Mom is blonde and really tall. Who am I? The guest with the most correct first answers, after everyone has had a turn, wins.
- Feed The Baby - Buy or create a velcro dart board. If making your own, place a picture of a baby's face with a big open mouth, under the velcro. When creating your own you may choose whether to place it in concentric circles or place over eyes, nose, mouth, etc., but their must be velcro by the mouth. If you've bought a dart board then either paint on the face or put a picture on without obstructing the velcro. If you've bought the dart board, it should come with round, velcro, "darts". If you're making your own, buy some ping pong balls, and attach the other portion of the velcro around the balls. Have each person take a turn, standing at a particular spot and trying to hit the mouth of the baby, with the velcro "darts". The person who gets the most darts into the baby's mouth, wins.
- Baby Trivia - Create some trivia questions about baby care and babies throughout the ages. You can make the questions equal in value, or graduate the values based on the difficulty of the question. The person with the most points, after all of the questions have been asked, wins.
Trivia Baby Shower Games - Baby Bingo - Create your own, or buy one of the many theme based or general baby shower bingo games. To create your own, buy some 4x6 cards and hand draw a grid of arbitrary baby items (bottles, rattles, shoes, etc.), or use your computer to create paper cards (remember you have to vary where the pictures are in the grid even if using a computer). Also write each of the possible baby item pictures on a slip of paper and fold them up. Create paper dots, or get a supply of pennies or m&ms to use as playing pieces. To play, give each contestent one or two cards and some playing pieces. Place the folded slips of paper into a bowl. Then have a caller, maybe the mom-to-be, call out the various baby items that may be pictured on the card. The first one to get all of the items in a row, column or diagonal, wins.
Baby Shower Bingo Games - Baby Limbo Dance - Get a limbo set or create your own with 1"x2"s or broomsticks. Create paper cut-out baby clothes. Punch a hole in each item and tie to the vertical bar. Have everyone line up in single file, moving around in a circle. As each person approaches the vertical bar they should lean back as they go under, to avoid hitting the baby clothes. If the person hits the baby clothes or falls backwards they are "out". After everyone has gone once, a new round begins by lowering the bar. The last person left dancing, wins.
LImbo Bar, Baby Shower Cutouts
- Pin the diaper on the baby butt - A variation of the tradtional game. The internet, a computer and a printer are good for this. Create a giant picture of a nude baby and attach to an oak tag poster board. Create a baby diaper cut-out and also back it up by attaching it to something stiff like poster board. Attach either magnets or velcro to the baby's butt and the bottom of the baby diaper cut-out. Making sure everyone else keeps at a safe distance, have each guest come up for a turn. If they are over 3, blindfold them. Spin the contestant around and hand them the baby diaper cut-out. Allow each person to try pin the diaper a couple of times before moving on to the next person. The first person who pins the diaper on the baby butt wins. If you play more than once, begin play with those people who did not get a chance to go the round before.
Pin On The Baby - Baby Pool - You'll have to wait and see the winner of this game. The classic baby pool, have each person guess the weight, length, and if not known, gender of the new baby.
Baby Shower Prediction Cards