Michael Meaning

What does Michael mean?
The meaning of Michael is "who is like G-d".
Michael is generally used as a boy's name.
It consists of 7 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Mi-chael.
The Given Name Michael
The name implies the question who is G-d?
Michael is the name of many characters in the Bible, including an archangel. From the Middle Ages to modern times and in various language forms, it has also been a name borne by many of the rulers of Europe.
Michael falls into the name categories classic, easy nickname.
Some famous bearers of this name include: Michael Badalucco, and Michael Bringas.
Michael Popularity
In contrast, the year before it ranked 12 in baby name popularity for boys with 12,639 occurrences. It ranked 4,275 in baby name popularity for girls with 34 occurrences.
View the Michael Name Popularity Page to see how the popularity trend for Michael has changed since 1880, or to compare the popularity of Michael to other names.
Michael Related Names
Variants of the name Michael include Makail, Mekal, Michaell, Mikell, Mychael, Mychal, Mykael, Mykal, Mykel.
The names Chael, Magi, Meical, Mekhi, Micah, Michaela, Michal, Michalene, Michalina, Micheal, Micheil, Michel, Michela, Michelangela, Michelangelo, Michele, Michelina, Micheline, Michell, Michelle, Michiel, Michijo, Michjo, Mickael, Mickell, Micol, Micole, Miechelle, Mieszko, Miguel, Miguela, Mihael, Mihaela, Mihaelo, Mihai, Mihail, Mihailo, Mihails, Mihajlo, Mihaly, Mihangel, Mihhaelo, Mihkel, Mihovil, Mikael, Mikaela, Mikaere, Mikal, Mikala, Mikaylin, Mikel, Mikele, Mikelis, Mikelo, Mikhail, Mikkel, Mikko, Milagro, Miquel, Misael, Mishay, Miska, Mitchell, Mychajlo, Myghal, Mykhailo, Mykolas are all forms of Michael.
Michael has the diminutives (nicknames) Micjo, Mick, Mickey, Mike.
Famous Michaels
- Michael ~ Byzantine Emperor Michael II the Stammerer (820-829), Byzantine Emperor Michael III (842-867), Byzantine Emperor Michael IV the Paphlagonian (1034-1041), 2 hurricanes, Biblical Character (1 Chr. 12:20, 1 Chr. 27:18, 1 Chr. 5:13, 1 Chr. 6:40, 1 Chr. 7:3, 1 Chr. 8:16, 2 Chr. 21:2, Ezra 8:8, Num. 13:13, Dan. 10:13)
- Michael Badalucco ~ Actor
- Michael Bringas ~ Byzantine Emperor Michael VI Stratioticus (1056-1057)
- Michael C. Hall ~ Actor
- Michael Caine ~ Actor
- Michael Cera ~ Actor
- Michael Cerveris ~ Musician, Actor
- Michael Chiklis ~ Actor
- Michael Clarke Duncan ~ Actor
- Michael Cochrane ~ Actor
- Michael Collins ~ Astronaut
- Michael Corleone ~ The Godfather character
- Michael Corner ~ Harry Potter character
- Michael Diaz ~ Saint
- Michael Dinh Hy Ho ~ Saint
- Michael Douglas ~ Actor
- Michael Ducas ~ Byzantine Emperor Michael VII Ducas (1071-1078)
- Michael Ealy ~ Actor
- Michael Eisner ~ Business Mogul
- Michael Emerson ~ Actor
- Michael Faraday ~ Scientist
- Michael Fassbender ~ Actor
- Michael Fimonaya ~ Saint
- Michael Gambon ~ Actor
- Michael Garicoïts ~ Saint
- Michael Ghebre ~ Saint
- Michael Giacchino ~ Musician
- Michael Giedroyc ~ Saint
- Michael Gladis ~ Actor
- Michael Guigou ~ Handball Player
- Michael Ironside ~ Actor
- Michael Irvin ~ Football Player
- Michael J. Fox ~ Actor
- Michael Jackson ~ Pop Musician
- Michael Jamada ~ Saint
- Michael Jordan ~ Basketball Player
- Michael Kalaphates ~ Byzantine Emperor Michael V (1041-1042)
- Michael Keaton ~ Actor
- Michael Kinoshi ~ Saint
- Michael Kiraiemon ~ Saint
- Michael Kitchen ~ Actor
- Michael Kurobioye ~ Saint
- Michael Landon ~ Actor
- Michael Laudrup ~ Soccer Player
- Michael Learned ~ Actress
- Michael Lee 'Meat Loaf' Aday ~ Rock Musician
- Michael Levitt ~ Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2013
- Michael Madsen ~ Actor
- Michael My ~ Saint
- Michael Nakeshima ~ Saint
- Michael Nouri ~ Actor
- Michael Nyman ~ Musician
- Michael O'Neill ~ Actor
- Michael Palaeologus ~ Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII Palaeologus (1259-1282), Byzantine Emperor Michael IX Palaeologus (1293-1320)
- Michael Palin ~ Actor
- Michael Peter 'Flea' Balzary ~ Rock Musician
- Michael Pitt ~ Actor
- Michael Rangabe ~ Byzantine Emperor Michael I (811-813)
- Michael Reiziger ~ Soccer Player
- Michael Rooker ~ Actor
- Michael Schumacher ~ Driver
- Michael Sheen ~ Actor
- Michael Shumpo ~ Saint
- Michael Simkins ~ Actor
- Michael Smith ~ Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1993
- Michael Spence ~ Nobel Prize for Economics 2001
- Michael Stipe ~ Rock Musician
- Michael Stuart Brown ~ Nobel Prize for Medicine 1985
- Michael Takeshita ~ Saint
- Michael the Confessor ~ Saint
- Michael Tomaki ~ Saint
- Michael Tozo ~ Saint
- Michael Tylo ~ Actor
- Michael Urie ~ Actor
- Michael Vartan ~ Actor
- Michael Weatherly ~ Actor
- Michael Yamiki ~ Saint

Michael Numerology
Want to know how your name choice may effect your child?
Then take a look at the Numerological Report For Michael.
It may give you some insight about your new baby.
Children named Michael are often lucky and enlightened but most of all they are read more >>
Michael Name Fun
Then just follow the diagram below.

Just for fun, see the name Michael in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message.
Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Michael in Nautical Flags page.