Dakota Meaning

What does Dakota mean?
The meaning of Dakota is "friend, ally".
Dakota is used as both a boys and girls name.
It consists of 6 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced Da-ko-ta.
The Given Name Dakota
Dakota meaning "friend, ally" is also one of the three language dialects of the Sioux, the other two being Nakota and Lakota.
The Sioux are an indegenous Great Plains people comprised of three divisions.
The Santee, Isanyathi meaning "knife", are also called the Eastern Dakota as they live in Iowa, Minnesota and eastern North and South Dakota.
The Yankton-Yanktonai, Ihankthunwan-Ihankthunwanna meaning "village at the end", "little village at the end" are also known as the Western Dakota, Wishiyena as they live in the Minnesota River area.
The Lakota, meaning "friend, ally", are also known as the Teton Thithunwan meaning "prairie dwellers" as they are the westenmost Sioux living in North and South Dakota. The Lakota People, are known for their warrior and hunting culture.
Dakota falls into the name categories automobile, place.
Some famous bearers of this name include: Dakota Dozier, Dakota Fanning, and Dakota Johnson.
Dakota Popularity
In contrast, the year before it ranked 232 in baby name popularity for girls with 1,353 occurrences. It ranked 342 in baby name popularity for boys with 990 occurrences.
The trend's your friend. See how Dakota has changed in popularity since 1880 by visiting the Dakota Name Popularity Page.
Dakota Related Names
Famous Dakotas
- Dakota Dozier ~ Football Player
- Dakota Fanning ~ Actress
- Dakota Johnson ~ Actress

Dakota Numerology
Destiny Number, Life Path Number, Soul Urge and Personality Number. These Numerological numbers may tell your child's story. Take a look at the Numerology Of Dakota.
Children named Dakota are often pioneering and glamorous but most of all they are read more >>
Dakota Name Fun
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Just for fun, see the name Dakota in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message.
Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Dakota in Nautical Flags page.