The Christmas Story

Eggnog and fruitcakes, Santa and reindeer, Christmas will soon be here!
On December 25 each year, Christians the world over observe the holiday of Christmas.
Join OBN at a look at some classic New Testament names inspired by the story of Christmas.
The biblical account of the birth of Jesus Christ is told in the New Testament books of Matthew and Luke.
The story unfolds in the holy land.
Mary, a young woman living in Nazareth is visited by the angel Gabriel who tells her that she will give birth to a son, conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The angel also tells her that her cousin Elizabeth and her cousin's husband Zachariah, would give birth to a baby as well. Their son, John The Baptist, would prepare the people to welcome Jesus.
Mary marries her fiance Joseph. Joseph, who had been enganged to Mary prior to her pregnancy, agrees to go forward with the marriage after being visited by an angel who tells him that Mary is carrying God's son.
Mary and Joseph return to Bethlehem, as they are required to go back to Joseph's home town in order to be included in a census as ordered by the Roman Emperor Augustus.
It is here, in a manger where Christ is born, the anniversary of which is marked by the holiday of Christmas.
Wishing everyone a joyous holiday!