Jump Into Spring With Great Names

It has been a tough winter and I think we are all ready for spring.
With that in mind, let's look at some interesting spring inspired names.
In the Spring a Birdie will return. Perhaps a Starling, Lark, Raven, Wren, Jay, Hawk, Phoenix or Robin.
A Bear will leave hibernation, a young Buck begin to feel frisky, and a young Colt born.
Couples might visit a nice drive-in theatre in their Bentley, Chevy, Ford, Lexus, Liberty, Lincoln or Mercedes.
A young man might put on his Levi jeans, Timberland boots and Stetson hat, hop on his Harley and pick up some Godiva chocolates or a Gucci bag for his sweetie.
Freshman in Berkeley, Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Emerson, Emory, Kent, Princeton, Stanford and Yale will be completing their first year of college.
Flowers will begin to bloom; Daisy, Holly, Hyacinth, Iris, Jasmine, Laurel, Lavender, Lilac, Lily, Marigold, Poppy, Rose, Sage, Tulip and Violet.
Winter will be left behind, and Summer will be directly ahead.
A Sequoia will Blossom on Sunny days and a River will flow with run off.
Youngsters will Wade into Lakes and skip Rocks or Stones along their surface.
On a Misty day, a young family will head out from the Marina to the Bay.
The warm spring has finally arrived.