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Trace Name Popularity


Charts | Table | About | By Year

How popular is Trace?

The less frequently given name Trace was the 743rd Most Popular Boys Name in the United States in 2018.

This top 1000 contender has seen rankings outside of the top 1000.

Its highest popularity RANKING of #439 was reached in 1998.

However, the name was bestowed upon the greatest number of babies in 2008 with 534 occurrences.

The least amount of newborns dubbed Trace in any given year was less than 5, most recently in 1955.

Decidely upward trends in the number of babies given the name Trace occurred roughly during the years 1955-1965, 1981-1985, and 1987-1998, whereas clearly downward trends happened around 1970-1974.

Where is the name Trace popularity headed?

Overall, when compared to its most prominent year, the name's popularity is at a mid point.

For a number of years, the name Trace has been moving downward in popularity. In recent years, continuing the trend, the number of babies given the name Trace has dropped.

The name Trace still has a solid footing but will probably continue to drift downward in popularity.

*Mouse over the charts or scroll down to the table for data details.

Mouse over or Click for Percentages.
   Trace (Girl)Trace (Boy)
Year %No. of Babies Given NamePopul. RankNo. of Babies Given NamePopul. Rank
2018 < 5 -- 318 743
2017 < 5 -- 265 835
2016 < 5 -- 286 806
2015 < 5 -- 289 801
2014 5 18,961 308 763
2013 < 5 -- 382 643
2012 < 5 -- 379 635
2011 < 5 -- 437 573
2010 < 5 -- 493 524
2009 < 5 -- 504 531
2008 < 5 -- 534 510
2007 < 5 -- 437 585
2006 < 5 -- 470 537
2005 < 5 -- 445 543
2004 < 5 -- 447 530
2003 5 18,224 496 495
2002 < 5 -- 437 521
2001 < 5 -- 369 564
2000 < 5 -- 384 550
1999 8 11,323 389 534
1998 6 13,989 524 439
1997 7 12,003 421 497
1996 11 8,108 202 749
1995 < 5 -- 161 856
1994 < 5 -- 171 808
1993 < 5 -- 158 844
1992 5 15,457 127 955
1991 5 15,312 139 896
1990 < 5 -- 116 978
1989 6 12,274 96 1,072
1988 < 5 -- 58 1,372
1987 5 13,138 47 1,529
1986 9 7,715 58 1,282
1985 10 6,929 91 961
1984 7 9,089 28 1,975
1983 8 8,002 19 2,570
1982 5 12,211 27 2,054
1981 7 9,042 21 2,412
1980 < 5 -- 19 2,609
1979 5 11,864 18 2,659
1978 6 9,675 24 2,067
1977 < 5 -- 20 2,358
1976 14 4,602 22 2,173
1975 12 5,148 21 2,202
1974 7 7,631 15 2,665
1973 7 7,389 24 1,866
1972 16 3,883 33 1,507
1971 13 4,519 42 1,308
1970 25 2,851 41 1,312
1969 12 4,403 33 1,416
1968 16 3,446 34 1,339
1967 14 3,643 47 1,084
1966 13 3,726 64 912
1965 14 3,534 72 870
1964 7 5,967 23 1,695
1963 12 4,000 46 1,149
1962 19 2,912 33 1,383
1961 10 4,526 25 1,631
1960 7 5,656 28 1,548
1959 5 7,130 22 1,760
1958 < 5 -- 20 1,831
1957 < 5 -- 17 2,011
1956 < 5 -- 17 2,011
1955 < 5 -- < 5 --
1954 < 5 -- < 5 --
1953 < 5 -- < 5 --
1952 < 5 -- < 5 --
1951 < 5 -- < 5 --
1950 < 5 -- < 5 --
1949 < 5 -- < 5 --
1948 < 5 -- < 5 --
1947 < 5 -- < 5 --
1946 < 5 -- < 5 --
1945 < 5 -- < 5 --
1944 < 5 -- < 5 --
1943 < 5 -- < 5 --
1942 < 5 -- < 5 --
1941 < 5 -- < 5 --
1940 < 5 -- < 5 --
1939 < 5 -- < 5 --
1938 < 5 -- < 5 --
1937 < 5 -- < 5 --
1936 < 5 -- < 5 --
1935 < 5 -- < 5 --
1934 < 5 -- < 5 --
1933 < 5 -- < 5 --
1932 < 5 -- < 5 --
1931 < 5 -- < 5 --
1930 < 5 -- < 5 --
1929 < 5 -- < 5 --
1928 < 5 -- < 5 --
1927 < 5 -- < 5 --
1926 < 5 -- < 5 --
1925 < 5 -- < 5 --
1924 < 5 -- < 5 --
1923 < 5 -- < 5 --
1922 < 5 -- < 5 --
1921 < 5 -- < 5 --
1920 < 5 -- < 5 --
1919 < 5 -- < 5 --
1918 < 5 -- < 5 --
1917 < 5 -- < 5 --
1916 < 5 -- < 5 --
1915 < 5 -- < 5 --
1914 < 5 -- < 5 --
1913 < 5 -- < 5 --
1912 < 5 -- < 5 --
1911 < 5 -- < 5 --
1910 < 5 -- < 5 --
1909 < 5 -- < 5 --
1908 < 5 -- < 5 --
1907 < 5 -- < 5 --
1906 < 5 -- < 5 --
1905 < 5 -- < 5 --
1904 < 5 -- < 5 --
1903 < 5 -- < 5 --
1902 < 5 -- < 5 --
1901 < 5 -- < 5 --
1900 < 5 -- < 5 --
1899 < 5 -- < 5 --
1898 < 5 -- < 5 --
1897 < 5 -- < 5 --
1896 < 5 -- < 5 --
1895 < 5 -- < 5 --
1894 < 5 -- < 5 --
1893 < 5 -- < 5 --
1892 < 5 -- < 5 --
1891 < 5 -- < 5 --
1890 < 5 -- < 5 --
1889 < 5 -- < 5 --
1888 < 5 -- < 5 --
1887 < 5 -- < 5 --
1886 < 5 -- < 5 --
1885 < 5 -- < 5 --
1884 < 5 -- < 5 --
1883 < 5 -- < 5 --
1882 < 5 -- < 5 --
1881 < 5 -- < 5 --
1880 < 5 -- < 5 --

United States name popularity data is provided by the Social Security Administration and is based on Social Security card applications.

Data for a given year is not made available until well into the next year.

Data reflects what was recorded and has not been edited for errors, so for example the gender associated with a name may be incorrect.

The more babies that are given a particular name, the higher the popularity ranking. If multiple names have the same usage, the tie is broken by assigning popularity rank in alphabetical order. Therefore in the case of names with fewer occurrences, names with the same number of occurrences may have vastly different rankings because they will be interranked alphabetically.

To safeguard privacy, the SSA does not include names with less than 5 occurrences.

Please note, we update the data each May when the SSA releases new figures. All data changes at that time, including previous years, which will change minutely based on new information.