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Rhea Name Popularity


Charts | Table | About | By Year

How popular is Rhea?

Ranking 761st in popularity in the United States for girls in 2018, the name Rhea is less frequently given.

Currently in the top 1000, this name has not always been in the top 1000.

Position 363, its highest popularity RANKING, was reached in 1893.

But, the greatest number of babies were given the name in 2018 with 357 occurrences.

The least number of children given the name Rhea was less than 5, most recently in 1881.

Rhea, decisively moved upwards in popularity around the years 1885-1893, 1910-1915, 1972-1978, 1996-2004, and 2011-2017.

Rhea became more popular as a girls name in 1882.

Rhea's popularity is at or near its highest point when measured against its most notable year.

How popular will Rhea be?

The popularity trend for Rhea has been soaring upward for a while. , continuing the trend, the number of children named Rhea lately has risen.

The name Rhea still has a solid footing and will probably continue to rise upward in popularity.

*Mouse over the charts or scroll down to the table for data details.

Mouse over or Click for Percentages.
   Rhea (Girl)Rhea (Boy)
Year %No. of Babies Given NamePopul. RankNo. of Babies Given NamePopul. Rank
2018 357 761 < 5 --
2017 316 863 < 5 --
2016 287 950 < 5 --
2015 271 993 < 5 --
2014 233 1,097 < 5 --
2013 218 1,118 < 5 --
2012 225 1,099 < 5 --
2011 202 1,193 < 5 --
2010 208 1,170 < 5 --
2009 214 1,175 < 5 --
2008 201 1,253 < 5 --
2007 223 1,148 < 5 --
2006 208 1,170 < 5 --
2005 170 1,305 < 5 --
2004 266 911 5 12,813
2003 195 1,130 < 5 --
2002 217 1,010 < 5 --
2001 176 1,174 < 5 --
2000 172 1,169 < 5 --
1999 139 1,307 < 5 --
1998 111 1,524 < 5 --
1997 130 1,331 < 5 --
1996 83 1,788 < 5 --
1995 112 1,448 < 5 --
1994 96 1,589 < 5 --
1993 136 1,261 < 5 --
1992 134 1,282 < 5 --
1991 109 1,459 < 5 --
1990 124 1,315 < 5 --
1989 126 1,255 < 5 --
1988 103 1,381 < 5 --
1987 121 1,196 < 5 --
1986 113 1,221 < 5 --
1985 129 1,124 < 5 --
1984 132 1,065 < 5 --
1983 140 1,012 < 5 --
1982 109 1,224 < 5 --
1981 140 1,031 < 5 --
1980 129 1,088 < 5 --
1979 111 1,190 < 5 --
1978 134 1,020 < 5 --
1977 120 1,084 < 5 --
1976 102 1,146 6 5,460
1975 104 1,122 5 6,133
1974 83 1,294 < 5 --
1973 85 1,235 < 5 --
1972 76 1,332 < 5 --
1971 92 1,226 < 5 --
1970 83 1,300 < 5 --
1969 91 1,172 < 5 --
1968 112 989 < 5 --
1967 89 1,115 < 5 --
1966 102 1,029 6 3,853
1965 99 1,057 < 5 --
1964 100 1,093 6 3,939
1963 120 971 < 5 --
1962 114 1,007 6 3,950
1961 114 1,018 < 5 --
1960 113 1,014 7 3,592
1959 133 909 < 5 --
1958 149 833 < 5 --
1957 139 864 6 3,893
1956 114 946 8 3,154
1955 131 849 5 4,282
1954 112 910 < 5 --
1953 126 827 7 3,370
1952 120 840 8 3,057
1951 113 845 8 3,021
1950 111 831 9 2,731
1949 123 780 7 3,243
1948 146 688 6 3,598
1947 130 754 7 3,308
1946 127 717 8 2,866
1945 87 815 7 2,945
1944 98 773 9 2,604
1943 110 741 9 2,701
1942 121 678 8 2,901
1941 109 675 < 5 --
1940 86 749 8 2,825
1939 101 677 < 5 --
1938 84 760 13 2,072
1937 118 626 7 3,120
1936 116 614 5 3,963
1935 100 662 < 5 --
1934 104 659 6 3,597
1933 106 638 < 5 --
1932 117 611 < 5 --
1931 121 604 13 2,190
1930 125 620 10 2,750
1929 139 585 8 3,193
1928 151 576 13 2,366
1927 125 647 15 2,179
1926 162 559 14 2,278
1925 160 566 15 2,167
1924 155 595 14 2,324
1923 135 633 14 2,308
1922 177 532 13 2,459
1921 179 534 12 2,605
1920 184 518 16 2,114
1919 177 511 14 2,238
1918 174 532 7 3,639
1917 181 491 10 2,696
1916 169 498 9 2,891
1915 172 470 8 3,015
1914 123 504 < 5 --
1913 115 469 < 5 --
1912 92 500 < 5 --
1911 89 432 < 5 --
1910 60 531 < 5 --
1909 64 472 < 5 --
1908 55 492 < 5 --
1907 63 454 < 5 --
1906 58 451 < 5 --
1905 49 487 < 5 --
1904 49 472 < 5 --
1903 40 513 6 1,106
1902 55 419 < 5 --
1901 58 387 < 5 --
1900 51 476 < 5 --
1899 61 372 < 5 --
1898 54 421 < 5 --
1897 53 404 < 5 --
1896 56 382 5 1,233
1895 41 450 < 5 --
1894 48 406 < 5 --
1893 56 363 < 5 --
1892 44 404 < 5 --
1891 24 538 < 5 --
1890 39 409 < 5 --
1889 31 437 < 5 --
1888 20 568 < 5 --
1887 14 626 < 5 --
1886 13 653 < 5 --
1885 11 691 < 5 --
1884 13 609 < 5 --
1883 8 747 < 5 --
1882 7 798 < 5 --
1881 < 5 -- < 5 --
1880 < 5 -- < 5 --

United States name popularity data is provided by the Social Security Administration and is based on Social Security card applications.

Data for a given year is not made available until well into the next year.

Data reflects what was recorded and has not been edited for errors, so for example the gender associated with a name may be incorrect.

The more babies that are given a particular name, the higher the popularity ranking. If multiple names have the same usage, the tie is broken by assigning popularity rank in alphabetical order. Therefore in the case of names with fewer occurrences, names with the same number of occurrences may have vastly different rankings because they will be interranked alphabetically.

To safeguard privacy, the SSA does not include names with less than 5 occurrences.

Please note, we update the data each May when the SSA releases new figures. All data changes at that time, including previous years, which will change minutely based on new information.