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Elan Name Popularity


Charts | Table | About | By Year

How popular is Elan?

The uncommon name Elan was the 1,491st Most Popular Boys Name in the United States in 2018.

Elan, is a possible choice for parents seeking a more unique name.

Its highest popularity ranking of #1265 was reached in 2011 with 136 occurrences.

In any year, the least number of babies named Elan was less than 5, most recently in 1966.

Decidely upward trends in the number of babies given the name Elan occurred roughly during the years 1967-1970, 1973-1979, 1998-2001, and 2008-2011.

Sometimes the name Elan has been more popular as a girls name and sometimes it has been more popular as a boys.

Where is the name Elan popularity headed?

Overall, when compared to its most prominent year, the name's popularity is at a very high point.

For a number of years, the name Elan has steadily increased in popularity. Of late however, the number of parents selecting the name Elan for their newborn has remained about the same.

The name Elan is still rare and has recently started to plateu at its present level but may also begin to make a more decisive move up or down.

*Mouse over the charts or scroll down to the table for data details.

Mouse over or Click for Percentages.
   Elan (Girl)Elan (Boy)
Year %No. of Babies Given NamePopul. RankNo. of Babies Given NamePopul. Rank
2018 14 7,827 115 1,491
2017 12 8,909 130 1,363
2016 17 6,976 125 1,399
2015 18 6,785 116 1,451
2014 18 6,781 129 1,342
2013 23 5,694 127 1,339
2012 22 5,953 131 1,310
2011 16 7,526 136 1,265
2010 26 5,289 109 1,494
2009 7 14,115 93 1,689
2008 22 6,188 86 1,751
2007 12 9,717 107 1,488
2006 8 12,733 75 1,827
2005 10 10,353 77 1,728
2004 18 6,568 68 1,820
2003 10 9,875 89 1,469
2002 16 6,796 68 1,708
2001 8 11,318 75 1,593
2000 24 4,830 55 1,901
1999 20 5,282 49 1,972
1998 20 5,196 51 1,908
1997 11 7,925 50 1,863
1996 10 8,341 48 1,879
1995 15 6,049 44 1,927
1994 10 8,319 50 1,757
1993 20 4,873 35 2,227
1992 13 6,754 45 1,823
1991 16 5,739 30 2,358
1990 19 4,917 38 1,982
1989 19 4,722 51 1,572
1988 10 7,282 49 1,516
1987 18 4,523 47 1,512
1986 23 3,671 49 1,421
1985 16 4,689 25 2,188
1984 41 2,350 43 1,465
1983 9 6,862 33 1,718
1982 13 5,294 38 1,603
1981 8 7,592 30 1,869
1980 16 4,569 28 1,975
1979 11 5,845 36 1,604
1978 11 5,663 26 1,931
1977 11 5,609 28 1,835
1976 7 7,513 18 2,447
1975 6 8,281 16 2,563
1974 9 5,886 17 2,385
1973 7 6,864 9 3,525
1972 7 6,746 12 2,869
1971 8 6,166 19 2,151
1970 15 3,918 20 2,012
1969 19 3,125 10 2,921
1968 < 5 -- 14 2,231
1967 < 5 -- 9 2,836
1966 < 5 -- < 5 --
1965 < 5 -- 6 3,650
1964 < 5 -- 6 3,735
1963 < 5 -- 5 4,221
1962 < 5 -- < 5 --
1961 < 5 -- < 5 --
1960 < 5 -- < 5 --
1959 < 5 -- < 5 --
1958 < 5 -- < 5 --
1957 < 5 -- < 5 --
1956 < 5 -- < 5 --
1955 < 5 -- < 5 --
1954 < 5 -- < 5 --
1953 < 5 -- < 5 --
1952 < 5 -- < 5 --
1951 < 5 -- < 5 --
1950 < 5 -- < 5 --
1949 < 5 -- < 5 --
1948 < 5 -- < 5 --
1947 < 5 -- < 5 --
1946 < 5 -- < 5 --
1945 < 5 -- < 5 --
1944 < 5 -- < 5 --
1943 < 5 -- < 5 --
1942 < 5 -- < 5 --
1941 < 5 -- < 5 --
1940 < 5 -- < 5 --
1939 < 5 -- < 5 --
1938 < 5 -- < 5 --
1937 < 5 -- < 5 --
1936 < 5 -- < 5 --
1935 < 5 -- < 5 --
1934 < 5 -- < 5 --
1933 < 5 -- < 5 --
1932 < 5 -- < 5 --
1931 < 5 -- < 5 --
1930 < 5 -- < 5 --
1929 < 5 -- < 5 --
1928 < 5 -- < 5 --
1927 < 5 -- < 5 --
1926 < 5 -- < 5 --
1925 < 5 -- < 5 --
1924 < 5 -- < 5 --
1923 < 5 -- < 5 --
1922 < 5 -- < 5 --
1921 < 5 -- < 5 --
1920 < 5 -- < 5 --
1919 < 5 -- < 5 --
1918 < 5 -- < 5 --
1917 < 5 -- < 5 --
1916 < 5 -- < 5 --
1915 < 5 -- < 5 --
1914 < 5 -- < 5 --
1913 < 5 -- < 5 --
1912 < 5 -- < 5 --
1911 < 5 -- < 5 --
1910 < 5 -- < 5 --
1909 < 5 -- < 5 --
1908 < 5 -- < 5 --
1907 < 5 -- < 5 --
1906 < 5 -- < 5 --
1905 < 5 -- < 5 --
1904 < 5 -- < 5 --
1903 < 5 -- < 5 --
1902 < 5 -- < 5 --
1901 < 5 -- < 5 --
1900 < 5 -- < 5 --
1899 < 5 -- < 5 --
1898 < 5 -- < 5 --
1897 < 5 -- < 5 --
1896 < 5 -- < 5 --
1895 < 5 -- < 5 --
1894 < 5 -- < 5 --
1893 < 5 -- < 5 --
1892 < 5 -- < 5 --
1891 < 5 -- < 5 --
1890 < 5 -- < 5 --
1889 < 5 -- < 5 --
1888 < 5 -- < 5 --
1887 < 5 -- < 5 --
1886 < 5 -- < 5 --
1885 < 5 -- < 5 --
1884 < 5 -- < 5 --
1883 < 5 -- < 5 --
1882 < 5 -- < 5 --
1881 < 5 -- < 5 --
1880 < 5 -- < 5 --

United States name popularity data is provided by the Social Security Administration and is based on Social Security card applications.

Data for a given year is not made available until well into the next year.

Data reflects what was recorded and has not been edited for errors, so for example the gender associated with a name may be incorrect.

The more babies that are given a particular name, the higher the popularity ranking. If multiple names have the same usage, the tie is broken by assigning popularity rank in alphabetical order. Therefore in the case of names with fewer occurrences, names with the same number of occurrences may have vastly different rankings because they will be interranked alphabetically.

To safeguard privacy, the SSA does not include names with less than 5 occurrences.

Please note, we update the data each May when the SSA releases new figures. All data changes at that time, including previous years, which will change minutely based on new information.