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Berry Name Popularity


Charts | Table | About | By Year

How popular is Berry?

The rare name Berry was the 8,188th Most Popular Boys Name in the United States in 2018.

Berry, although not presently in the top 1000, did once enjoy higher rankings.

It reached its highest popularity RANKING of #305 in 1880.

But, the greatest number of babies were given the name in 1963 with 108 occurrences.

The least amount of newborns dubbed Berry in any given year was less than 5, most recently in 2017.

Berry, decisively moved upwards in popularity around the years 1906-1916, 1917-1921, 1948-1951, and 1959-1963, whereas clearly downward trends happened around 1883-1886, 1963-1967, 1969-1972, and 1983-1987.

Sometimes the name Berry has been more popular as a girls name and sometimes it has been more popular as a boys.

Where is the name Berry popularity headed?

Berry's popularity is at a very low point when measured against its most notable year.

Berry's popularity has been moving downward for some time. In recent years however, the number of babies given the name Berry has risen.

The name Berry is mostly unused but has recently started to rise upward in popularity.

Relative to what it once was, Berry has fallen out of favor as a given name.

*Mouse over the charts or scroll down to the table for data details.

Mouse over or Click for Percentages.
   Berry (Girl)Berry (Boy)
Year %No. of Babies Given NamePopul. RankNo. of Babies Given NamePopul. Rank
2018 < 5 -- 9 8,188
2017 6 14,362 < 5 --
2016 < 5 -- 10 7,648
2015 8 11,992 11 7,115
2014 < 5 -- < 5 --
2013 < 5 -- 5 12,360
2012 5 17,281 9 8,220
2011 5 17,159 5 12,501
2010 < 5 -- 10 7,637
2009 < 5 -- 11 7,271
2008 < 5 -- 6 11,214
2007 6 15,778 11 7,148
2006 < 5 -- 10 7,484
2005 < 5 -- 8 8,372
2004 < 5 -- 10 7,028
2003 < 5 -- 11 6,305
2002 < 5 -- 9 7,103
2001 < 5 -- 7 8,425
2000 < 5 -- 11 5,957
1999 < 5 -- 8 7,216
1998 < 5 -- 16 4,220
1997 < 5 -- 17 3,898
1996 < 5 -- 12 4,909
1995 < 5 -- 23 3,028
1994 < 5 -- 22 3,116
1993 < 5 -- 21 3,152
1992 < 5 -- 26 2,679
1991 < 5 -- 20 3,117
1990 < 5 -- 23 2,784
1989 < 5 -- 34 2,067
1988 < 5 -- 36 1,853
1987 < 5 -- 18 2,846
1986 5 11,074 28 2,060
1985 < 5 -- 36 1,701
1984 6 9,248 37 1,606
1983 < 5 -- 41 1,491
1982 < 5 -- 42 1,489
1981 < 5 -- 37 1,604
1980 < 5 -- 44 1,433
1979 7 8,119 41 1,463
1978 8 7,002 56 1,187
1977 < 5 -- 42 1,410
1976 11 5,244 47 1,286
1975 < 5 -- 50 1,194
1974 5 8,890 47 1,216
1973 < 5 -- 49 1,174
1972 < 5 -- 48 1,176
1971 < 5 -- 71 967
1970 9 5,439 74 929
1969 < 5 -- 69 916
1968 < 5 -- 61 931
1967 6 6,084 66 883
1966 5 6,643 80 813
1965 < 5 -- 81 820
1964 8 5,042 84 825
1963 < 5 -- 108 747
1962 6 5,910 82 838
1961 < 5 -- 86 826
1960 5 6,453 90 804
1959 8 4,662 78 866
1958 < 5 -- 82 828
1957 < 5 -- 86 814
1956 8 4,489 79 842
1955 6 5,268 76 844
1954 8 4,305 85 774
1953 10 3,709 81 794
1952 < 5 -- 79 791
1951 8 4,049 82 774
1950 10 3,445 67 830
1949 < 5 -- 67 837
1948 5 5,306 61 872
1947 5 5,374 73 805
1946 6 4,473 69 801
1945 5 4,613 49 917
1944 < 5 -- 61 801
1943 < 5 -- 67 803
1942 6 4,166 61 834
1941 8 3,276 49 906
1940 8 3,238 58 818
1939 7 3,465 55 819
1938 < 5 -- 51 873
1937 10 2,754 54 831
1936 9 2,883 39 1,012
1935 < 5 -- 51 883
1934 13 2,300 47 918
1933 11 2,554 55 834
1932 7 3,605 56 854
1931 7 3,524 60 809
1930 11 2,706 61 834
1929 8 3,421 63 818
1928 7 3,791 67 796
1927 10 3,078 55 928
1926 6 4,364 58 877
1925 13 2,635 56 902
1924 8 3,693 57 926
1923 9 3,398 67 821
1922 < 5 -- 56 930
1921 5 5,201 78 753
1920 < 5 -- 55 929
1919 < 5 -- 59 861
1918 < 5 -- 64 818
1917 < 5 -- 47 935
1916 < 5 -- 71 709
1915 < 5 -- 60 776
1914 < 5 -- 41 837
1913 < 5 -- 41 721
1912 < 5 -- 42 649
1911 < 5 -- 23 648
1910 < 5 -- 21 638
1909 < 5 -- 33 436
1908 < 5 -- 28 466
1907 < 5 -- 25 464
1906 < 5 -- 9 860
1905 < 5 -- 21 492
1904 < 5 -- 16 569
1903 < 5 -- 26 382
1902 < 5 -- 15 559
1901 < 5 -- 20 423
1900 < 5 -- 22 491
1899 < 5 -- 17 459
1898 < 5 -- 22 420
1897 < 5 -- 17 478
1896 < 5 -- 20 440
1895 < 5 -- 18 480
1894 < 5 -- 12 596
1893 < 5 -- 22 384
1892 < 5 -- 24 384
1891 < 5 -- 14 477
1890 < 5 -- 17 438
1889 < 5 -- 23 373
1888 < 5 -- 21 404
1887 < 5 -- 19 380
1886 < 5 -- 15 473
1885 < 5 -- 24 356
1884 < 5 -- 29 327
1883 < 5 -- 24 338
1882 < 5 -- 27 333
1881 < 5 -- 22 348
1880 < 5 -- 30 305

United States name popularity data is provided by the Social Security Administration and is based on Social Security card applications.

Data for a given year is not made available until well into the next year.

Data reflects what was recorded and has not been edited for errors, so for example the gender associated with a name may be incorrect.

The more babies that are given a particular name, the higher the popularity ranking. If multiple names have the same usage, the tie is broken by assigning popularity rank in alphabetical order. Therefore in the case of names with fewer occurrences, names with the same number of occurrences may have vastly different rankings because they will be interranked alphabetically.

To safeguard privacy, the SSA does not include names with less than 5 occurrences.

Please note, we update the data each May when the SSA releases new figures. All data changes at that time, including previous years, which will change minutely based on new information.