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Bernadette Name Popularity


Charts | Table | About | By Year

How popular is Bernadette?

The uncommon name Bernadette was the 1,268th Most Popular Girls Name in the United States in 2018.

Bernadette, although not presently in the top 1000, did once enjoy higher rankings.

It reached its highest popularity RANKING of #188 in 1946.

But, the greatest number of babies were given the name in 1958 with 1,494 occurrences.

In any year, the least number of babies named Bernadette was less than 5, most recently in 1883.

Bernadette, decisively moved upwards in popularity around the years 1885-1889, 1890-1896, 1904-1908, 1909-1915, 1930-1934, 1942-1946, 1955-1958, and 2011-2015, whereas unequivocal downward movement occurred about 1960-1963, 1969-1972, 1982-1985, 1990-1994, and 1997-2000.

Sometimes the name Bernadette has been more popular as a girls name and sometimes it has been more popular as a boys.

Where is the name Bernadette popularity headed?

Bernadette's popularity is at a very low point when measured against its most notable year.

Bernadette's popularity has remained mostly unchanged for some time. Of late however, the number of parents selecting the name Bernadette for their newborn has risen.

The name Bernadette is still rare but has recently started to rise upward in popularity.

*Mouse over the charts or scroll down to the table for data details.

Mouse over or Click for Percentages.
   Bernadet. (Girl)Bernadet. (Boy)
Year %No. of Babies Given NamePopul. RankNo. of Babies Given NamePopul. Rank
2018 180 1,268 < 5 --
2017 177 1,314 < 5 --
2016 148 1,522 < 5 --
2015 155 1,475 < 5 --
2014 134 1,598 < 5 --
2013 95 2,033 < 5 --
2012 88 2,147 < 5 --
2011 63 2,770 < 5 --
2010 78 2,405 < 5 --
2009 77 2,467 < 5 --
2008 77 2,461 < 5 --
2007 74 2,514 < 5 --
2006 94 2,081 < 5 --
2005 91 2,059 < 5 --
2004 96 1,945 < 5 --
2003 99 1,858 < 5 --
2002 101 1,780 < 5 --
2001 125 1,497 < 5 --
2000 110 1,602 < 5 --
1999 151 1,244 < 5 --
1998 174 1,106 < 5 --
1997 158 1,166 < 5 --
1996 170 1,087 < 5 --
1995 174 1,039 < 5 --
1994 184 1,011 < 5 --
1993 215 895 < 5 --
1992 235 846 < 5 --
1991 237 844 < 5 --
1990 281 739 < 5 --
1989 235 810 < 5 --
1988 270 705 < 5 --
1987 288 652 < 5 --
1986 274 668 < 5 --
1985 268 673 < 5 --
1984 321 571 < 5 --
1983 366 519 5 6,337
1982 436 478 < 5 --
1981 380 517 < 5 --
1980 434 484 < 5 --
1979 461 445 < 5 --
1978 461 433 < 5 --
1977 553 383 7 4,636
1976 537 383 < 5 --
1975 545 380 < 5 --
1974 572 373 < 5 --
1973 606 351 6 4,560
1972 637 349 < 5 --
1971 740 342 7 4,001
1970 775 340 < 5 --
1969 836 311 6 3,989
1968 922 287 < 5 --
1967 1,217 237 8 3,007
1966 1,111 255 5 3,989
1965 911 292 < 5 --
1964 933 304 6 3,636
1963 1,020 285 5 4,087
1962 1,136 264 5 4,093
1961 1,208 256 < 5 --
1960 1,425 225 < 5 --
1959 1,391 227 < 5 --
1958 1,494 213 < 5 --
1957 989 280 < 5 --
1956 924 293 < 5 --
1955 963 278 < 5 --
1954 999 263 < 5 --
1953 911 273 < 5 --
1952 995 249 < 5 --
1951 990 245 < 5 --
1950 1,043 233 < 5 --
1949 1,142 220 < 5 --
1948 1,183 211 < 5 --
1947 1,253 211 < 5 --
1946 1,321 188 < 5 --
1945 1,016 196 < 5 --
1944 1,035 195 < 5 --
1943 655 272 < 5 --
1942 373 363 < 5 --
1941 329 373 < 5 --
1940 323 364 < 5 --
1939 353 338 < 5 --
1938 367 331 < 5 --
1937 336 351 < 5 --
1936 382 309 < 5 --
1935 395 315 < 5 --
1934 619 252 < 5 --
1933 394 312 < 5 --
1932 314 361 < 5 --
1931 288 382 < 5 --
1930 323 379 < 5 --
1929 328 371 < 5 --
1928 371 351 < 5 --
1927 373 348 < 5 --
1926 368 350 < 5 --
1925 363 359 < 5 --
1924 347 368 < 5 --
1923 359 349 < 5 --
1922 339 356 < 5 --
1921 356 346 < 5 --
1920 330 360 < 5 --
1919 303 372 < 5 --
1918 283 389 < 5 --
1917 269 384 < 5 --
1916 253 393 < 5 --
1915 256 378 < 5 --
1914 201 377 < 5 --
1913 183 359 < 5 --
1912 142 387 < 5 --
1911 92 424 < 5 --
1910 96 402 < 5 --
1909 93 385 < 5 --
1908 95 370 < 5 --
1907 62 455 < 5 --
1906 55 459 < 5 --
1905 46 498 < 5 --
1904 46 486 < 5 --
1903 56 425 < 5 --
1902 53 427 < 5 --
1901 45 441 < 5 --
1900 47 495 < 5 --
1899 51 408 < 5 --
1898 48 442 < 5 --
1897 41 458 < 5 --
1896 49 409 < 5 --
1895 40 456 < 5 --
1894 32 506 < 5 --
1893 26 548 < 5 --
1892 22 592 < 5 --
1891 19 610 < 5 --
1890 20 581 < 5 --
1889 23 534 < 5 --
1888 16 642 < 5 --
1887 12 664 < 5 --
1886 10 736 < 5 --
1885 7 852 < 5 --
1884 6 939 < 5 --
1883 < 5 -- < 5 --
1882 6 821 < 5 --
1881 5 842 < 5 --
1880 8 634 < 5 --

United States name popularity data is provided by the Social Security Administration and is based on Social Security card applications.

Data for a given year is not made available until well into the next year.

Data reflects what was recorded and has not been edited for errors, so for example the gender associated with a name may be incorrect.

The more babies that are given a particular name, the higher the popularity ranking. If multiple names have the same usage, the tie is broken by assigning popularity rank in alphabetical order. Therefore in the case of names with fewer occurrences, names with the same number of occurrences may have vastly different rankings because they will be interranked alphabetically.

To safeguard privacy, the SSA does not include names with less than 5 occurrences.

Please note, we update the data each May when the SSA releases new figures. All data changes at that time, including previous years, which will change minutely based on new information.