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Aurelia Name Popularity


Charts | Table | About | By Year

How popular is Aurelia?

In 2018 the less frequently given name Aurelia, ranked the 653rd Most Popular Girls Name in the United States.

Presently one of the top 1000 most popular, Aurelia has been less popular than the top 1000 in the past.

It reached its highest popularity RANKING of #353 in 1880.

However, the name was bestowed upon the greatest number of babies in 2018 with 450 occurrences.

In any year, the least number of babies named Aurelia was 14 in 1883.

Decidely upward trends in the number of babies given the name Aurelia occurred roughly during the years 1883-1886, 1890-1893, 1904-1908, 1909-1915, 1968-1971, 1999-2009, and 2010-2016, whereas unequivocal downward movement occurred about 1930-1933, and 1936-1939.

Aurelia's popularity has been soaring upward for some time. Of late, continuing the trend, the number of parents selecting the name Aurelia for their newborn has risen.

What does the future hold for the popularity of Aurelia?

Overall, when compared to its most prominent year, the name's popularity is at or near its highest point.

The name Aurelia still has a solid footing and will probably continue to rise upward in popularity.

*Mouse over the charts or scroll down to the table for data details.

Mouse over or Click for Percentages.
   Aurelia (Girl)
Year %No. of Babies Given NamePopul. Rank
2018 450 653
2017 434 675
2016 432 677
2015 351 800
2014 334 828
2013 320 831
2012 253 996
2011 242 1,030
2010 214 1,139
2009 225 1,121
2008 169 1,406
2007 124 1,745
2006 125 1,681
2005 112 1,754
2004 80 2,203
2003 83 2,105
2002 74 2,230
2001 55 2,706
2000 58 2,569
1999 52 2,679
1998 60 2,338
1997 62 2,197
1996 59 2,254
1995 55 2,368
1994 63 2,143
1993 68 2,034
1992 65 2,078
1991 65 2,075
1990 75 1,881
1989 48 2,414
1988 66 1,867
1987 53 2,065
1986 47 2,198
1985 60 1,857
1984 66 1,657
1983 51 1,994
1982 70 1,642
1981 53 1,987
1980 59 1,834
1979 75 1,544
1978 51 1,916
1977 62 1,683
1976 64 1,569
1975 50 1,838
1974 53 1,712
1973 58 1,589
1972 60 1,542
1971 70 1,467
1970 48 1,831
1969 51 1,688
1968 48 1,676
1967 51 1,582
1966 52 1,550
1965 45 1,672
1964 44 1,750
1963 48 1,647
1962 56 1,497
1961 63 1,404
1960 68 1,340
1959 58 1,407
1958 59 1,380
1957 73 1,230
1956 88 1,103
1955 87 1,081
1954 91 1,028
1953 69 1,164
1952 64 1,184
1951 83 1,021
1950 95 913
1949 93 919
1948 87 929
1947 88 942
1946 84 912
1945 91 783
1944 73 893
1943 85 844
1942 80 859
1941 94 727
1940 79 795
1939 65 869
1938 108 661
1937 99 682
1936 101 658
1935 96 680
1934 124 582
1933 94 672
1932 115 616
1931 118 609
1930 148 558
1929 123 619
1928 157 559
1927 169 544
1926 177 525
1925 187 516
1924 187 524
1923 179 529
1922 144 601
1921 166 551
1920 174 539
1919 158 548
1918 188 494
1917 173 502
1916 162 513
1915 164 481
1914 111 526
1913 102 503
1912 90 504
1911 81 456
1910 69 490
1909 71 440
1908 83 399
1907 72 420
1906 49 492
1905 47 490
1904 40 521
1903 46 470
1902 50 440
1901 53 411
1900 66 415
1899 54 390
1898 56 413
1897 44 441
1896 42 448
1895 45 421
1894 46 409
1893 45 401
1892 36 453
1891 33 441
1890 33 446
1889 35 411
1888 36 414
1887 25 447
1886 29 401
1885 17 524
1884 21 438
1883 14 523
1882 18 434
1881 15 436
1880 21 353

United States name popularity data is provided by the Social Security Administration and is based on Social Security card applications.

Data for a given year is not made available until well into the next year.

Data reflects what was recorded and has not been edited for errors, so for example the gender associated with a name may be incorrect.

The more babies that are given a particular name, the higher the popularity ranking. If multiple names have the same usage, the tie is broken by assigning popularity rank in alphabetical order. Therefore in the case of names with fewer occurrences, names with the same number of occurrences may have vastly different rankings because they will be interranked alphabetically.

To safeguard privacy, the SSA does not include names with less than 5 occurrences.

Please note, we update the data each May when the SSA releases new figures. All data changes at that time, including previous years, which will change minutely based on new information.