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Akira Name Popularity


Charts | Table | About | By Year

How popular is Akira?

In 2018 the uncommon name Akira, ranked the 1,135th Most Popular Girls Name in the United States.

This once, top 1000 name, Akira is currently less popular.

It reached its highest popularity ranking of #706 in 2008 with 424 occurrences.

The least amount of newborns dubbed Akira in any given year was less than 5, most recently in 1976.

Akira, decisively moved upwards in popularity around the years 1980-1983, 1987-1998, 1999-2002, and 2003-2008.

Sometimes the name Akira has been more popular as a girls name and sometimes it has been more popular as a boys.

Akira's popularity has remained mostly unchanged for some time. In recent years, continuing the trend, the number of babies given the name Akira has remained about the same.

What does the future hold for the popularity of Akira?

Akira's popularity is at a mid point when measured against its most notable year.

The name Akira is used by only a select few and will probably continue to plateu at its present level but may also begin to make a more decisive move up or down.

*Mouse over the charts or scroll down to the table for data details.

Mouse over or Click for Percentages.
   Akira (Girl)Akira (Boy)
Year %No. of Babies Given NamePopul. RankNo. of Babies Given NamePopul. Rank
2018 213 1,135 43 2,784
2017 248 1,036 25 4,092
2016 261 1,009 24 4,191
2015 260 1,026 34 3,292
2014 233 1,091 35 3,149
2013 229 1,079 24 4,064
2012 264 963 27 3,802
2011 275 937 35 3,166
2010 320 837 34 3,240
2009 344 821 32 3,399
2008 424 706 29 3,648
2007 336 844 35 3,186
2006 270 970 37 2,978
2005 228 1,045 28 3,449
2004 199 1,142 45 2,451
2003 213 1,057 42 2,471
2002 242 923 45 2,294
2001 202 1,056 37 2,563
2000 165 1,203 37 2,525
1999 179 1,107 40 2,263
1998 183 1,066 41 2,200
1997 143 1,242 27 2,823
1996 92 1,656 32 2,444
1995 82 1,761 23 3,021
1994 55 2,352 18 3,594
1993 69 2,013 11 5,007
1992 59 2,238 21 3,104
1991 46 2,620 12 4,484
1990 47 2,523 17 3,469
1989 30 3,405 28 2,358
1988 22 4,014 11 4,166
1987 34 2,850 19 2,724
1986 41 2,423 18 2,779
1985 29 3,083 19 2,599
1984 32 2,782 13 3,268
1983 50 2,022 19 2,491
1982 33 2,768 13 3,282
1981 11 5,890 14 3,032
1980 6 9,110 6 5,536
1979 12 5,428 8 4,411
1978 15 4,457 7 4,560
1977 9 6,352 12 3,205
1976 < 5 -- < 5 --
1975 8 6,496 8 3,950
1974 < 5 -- 5 5,239
1973 6 7,443 < 5 --
1972 < 5 -- < 5 --
1971 < 5 -- 7 3,968
1970 < 5 -- 7 3,842
1969 < 5 -- < 5 --
1968 < 5 -- < 5 --
1967 < 5 -- 5 3,969
1966 < 5 -- < 5 --
1965 < 5 -- < 5 --
1964 < 5 -- 5 4,040
1963 < 5 -- < 5 --
1962 < 5 -- 5 4,044
1961 < 5 -- < 5 --
1960 < 5 -- < 5 --
1959 < 5 -- < 5 --
1958 < 5 -- < 5 --
1957 < 5 -- < 5 --
1956 < 5 -- < 5 --
1955 < 5 -- < 5 --
1954 < 5 -- < 5 --
1953 < 5 -- < 5 --
1952 < 5 -- < 5 --
1951 < 5 -- < 5 --
1950 < 5 -- < 5 --
1949 < 5 -- < 5 --
1948 < 5 -- < 5 --
1947 < 5 -- < 5 --
1946 < 5 -- < 5 --
1945 < 5 -- < 5 --
1944 < 5 -- < 5 --
1943 < 5 -- < 5 --
1942 < 5 -- < 5 --
1941 < 5 -- < 5 --
1940 < 5 -- < 5 --
1939 < 5 -- 9 2,449
1938 < 5 -- 8 2,653
1937 < 5 -- 5 3,527
1936 < 5 -- 7 2,858
1935 < 5 -- 10 2,395
1934 < 5 -- 12 2,123
1933 < 5 -- 7 3,008
1932 < 5 -- 17 1,778
1931 < 5 -- 26 1,362
1930 < 5 -- 18 1,755
1929 < 5 -- 34 1,194
1928 < 5 -- 36 1,189
1927 < 5 -- 54 939
1926 < 5 -- 27 1,403
1925 < 5 -- 29 1,360
1924 < 5 -- 35 1,223
1923 < 5 -- 36 1,195
1922 < 5 -- 39 1,140
1921 < 5 -- 32 1,298
1920 < 5 -- 20 1,749
1919 < 5 -- 29 1,321
1918 < 5 -- 31 1,256
1917 < 5 -- 13 2,189
1916 < 5 -- 16 1,851
1915 < 5 -- 14 1,970
1914 < 5 -- 8 2,459
1913 < 5 -- 8 2,094
1912 < 5 -- < 5 --
1911 < 5 -- < 5 --
1910 < 5 -- < 5 --
1909 < 5 -- < 5 --
1908 < 5 -- < 5 --
1907 < 5 -- < 5 --
1906 < 5 -- < 5 --
1905 < 5 -- < 5 --
1904 < 5 -- < 5 --
1903 < 5 -- < 5 --
1902 < 5 -- < 5 --
1901 < 5 -- < 5 --
1900 < 5 -- < 5 --
1899 < 5 -- < 5 --
1898 < 5 -- < 5 --
1897 < 5 -- < 5 --
1896 < 5 -- < 5 --
1895 < 5 -- < 5 --
1894 < 5 -- < 5 --
1893 < 5 -- < 5 --
1892 < 5 -- < 5 --
1891 < 5 -- < 5 --
1890 < 5 -- < 5 --
1889 < 5 -- < 5 --
1888 < 5 -- < 5 --
1887 < 5 -- < 5 --
1886 < 5 -- < 5 --
1885 < 5 -- < 5 --
1884 < 5 -- < 5 --
1883 < 5 -- < 5 --
1882 < 5 -- < 5 --
1881 < 5 -- < 5 --
1880 < 5 -- < 5 --

United States name popularity data is provided by the Social Security Administration and is based on Social Security card applications.

Data for a given year is not made available until well into the next year.

Data reflects what was recorded and has not been edited for errors, so for example the gender associated with a name may be incorrect.

The more babies that are given a particular name, the higher the popularity ranking. If multiple names have the same usage, the tie is broken by assigning popularity rank in alphabetical order. Therefore in the case of names with fewer occurrences, names with the same number of occurrences may have vastly different rankings because they will be interranked alphabetically.

To safeguard privacy, the SSA does not include names with less than 5 occurrences.

Please note, we update the data each May when the SSA releases new figures. All data changes at that time, including previous years, which will change minutely based on new information.